On dry sunny winter days take time to examine the garden. See what changes have come about since you last enjoyed time there, what spaces can be filled or redeveloped to add interest and value to your garden
Rotting leaves from deciduous trees and plants are protecting pests and harbouring diseases. Give time to clearing out those flower beds giving centre stage to winter flowering plants such as Hellebores, Ericas and winter flowering bulbs. It is time to give consideration to what you desire or would like to achieve in your garden this year. There are plenty of jobs to do in the garden in shape for early spring.
Rotting leaves from deciduous trees and plants are protecting pests and harbouring diseases. Give time to clearing out those flower beds giving centre stage to winter flowering plants such as Hellebores, Ericas and winter flowering bulbs. It is time to give consideration to what you desire or would like to achieve in your garden this year. There are plenty of jobs to do in the garden in shape for early spring.
New trees, shrubs and roses can be planted this month, especially bare root and root ball specimens. This time of year is ideal, as there is plenty of moisture in the soil and reduces time on watering. When planting, choose a dry day to prevent compaction of soil around the plants. Apply a generous amount of organic fertiliser to the soil to help new root systems establish rapidly. Attach new stakes and check all existing trees with stakes are not too tight or are unsteady, particularly after the stormy weather of the last weeks. This is also a good time to examine deciduous trees for damaged, diseased or dead branches and remove low hanging branches that reduce light to understory planting. This can open up a dry shady area and help promote lush vigorous growth
Plant fruit trees and bushes this month if not done already and keep grass and weeds free at base of plant. Fruiting will be of higher yield and quality without competition from weeds and grasses.
Protect the lawn by not walking on it while wet or frozen. Improve your lawn by removing all leaves and debris, if moss is persistent, coming into early spring, temperatures are rising, it is a good time to top dress the lawn if not too damp or waterlogged. A good product is Mo Bactor, this is an organic fertiliser which slowly releases its nutrients and evenly over the next 12 weeks and also destroys moss in 3 weeks.
Plant fruit trees and bushes this month if not done already and keep grass and weeds free at base of plant. Fruiting will be of higher yield and quality without competition from weeds and grasses.
Protect the lawn by not walking on it while wet or frozen. Improve your lawn by removing all leaves and debris, if moss is persistent, coming into early spring, temperatures are rising, it is a good time to top dress the lawn if not too damp or waterlogged. A good product is Mo Bactor, this is an organic fertiliser which slowly releases its nutrients and evenly over the next 12 weeks and also destroys moss in 3 weeks.
In early spring when the first signs of new growth start, liquid feed your flowering containers and baskets with a good quality organic fertiliser to give them a boost and encourage further flowering throughout the spring months.
Colder weather and storm force winds are forecast for this week, so protect any delicate sensitive plants by wrapping with a fleece around the flowers and foliage to prevent frost damage. it is wise to move all pots into protected areas of the garden to avoid loss or damage of plants and pots.
Colder weather and storm force winds are forecast for this week, so protect any delicate sensitive plants by wrapping with a fleece around the flowers and foliage to prevent frost damage. it is wise to move all pots into protected areas of the garden to avoid loss or damage of plants and pots.